Auteur: Ekaterina Levental - pagina 13

Ekaterina in TROUW, 23 mei 2018

Sandra Kooke schreef een groot artikel in Trouw over de voorstellingen van Ekaterina Levental. “….Het is wonderlijk om te zien wat er met het publiek in de kerkjes, kleine theaters en andere zaaltjes gebeurt als Levental die donkere, versleten jas aantrekt en met de koffer in de hand op reis gaat; hoe stil het wordt..

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Ekaterina in the Opera ‘Menuet’ by LOD Gent (Belgium, France & Luxembourg)

In February and March 2018 Ekaterina sings and plays the role of ‘Die Frau’ in the opera ‘Menuet’ by Daan Janssens, directed by Fabrice Murgia, produced by LOD Gent Belgium. More information about the opera ‘Menuet’ The performances are on/in: Wed 14 Feb 2018 – 19:30, Théâtre National Brussel (BE) Tickets Thu 15 Feb 2018..

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Duo Bilitis in Rhenen & Tiel

Duo Bilitis performs their programme ‘Ballade Slave’ in De Korenwinde Rhenen (13th of January) and Agnietenhof Tiel (14th of January). Ballade Slave brings the music of one of Duo’s favorite composers, Claude Debussy together with the music by Peter Tchaikovsky. The two composers never met, but have a very strong link through madame Nadezhda von..

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